Close the Gap Between Marcom Results & Integrity


Is Truthful Persuasion Just a Myth?

alignment authentic communication content credibility deceptive ethical joyful communications marketing strategy tips

Doesn't marketing feel like a contest in today's fast-paced online world? 


It is almost like the businesses that scramble to outshine the competition, make the biggest promises, and use every trick to grab attention will “win."


But is that really the best strategy for winning?


As a purpose-driven leader or ethical entrepreneur, it is common to wonder how to communicate the value of your services without crossing into the hype and manipulation so many others use.


The answer lies in mastering the art of truthful persuasion.


You might be thinking, But Joy, isn't truthful persuasion an oxymoron? Can those two concepts really work together in tandem?


The short answer is yes—when you focus on building authentic connections that inspire values-based action.


But here's the catch: Not all values are ethical. Some so-called "values" hide behind fancy words and push self-serving agendas under the guise of integrity.


Truthful persuasion—according to the Ultimate How-To Guide—is about inspiring change based on moral principles. 


In contrast, worldly persuasion often preys on temptations and desires for selfish gain.


When you combine biblical persuasion with truth—grounded in facts and reality—you guide your audience with honesty and integrity, using sound reasoning to help them make informed decisions.


Ready to explore the concept of truthful persuasion and provide practical tips for building authentic connections while inspiring values-based action? Stick with me as we unpack:

  • The struggle between value and hype
  • The foundation of truthful persuasion: authentic empathy
  • Dealing with imposter syndrome
  • How to sell without feeling "salesy"
  • The power of ethical storytelling
  • Building trust through transparency
  • Building connections, not sales


The Struggle Between Value and Hype

I remember a client who felt uneasy about pricing her services. She was passionate about the valuable solutions she offered, but the moment the topic of money came up, a spirit of doubt and manipulation crept into her mindset. Can you relate?


The fact is that many entrepreneurs and purpose-driven leaders cringe when it's time to talk dollars, fearing it'll undermine the heart of their message. 


These data points validate the money hurdle most of us encounter:

➡ 54% of small business owners say pricing their services is one of their top challenges. (Source: FreshBooks)

 ➡ 56% of entrepreneurs and small business owners avoid direct money conversations because they find them uncomfortable or fear damaging client relationships. (Source: Harvard Business Review)

 47% of entrepreneurs undervalue their services because they fear rejection from clients or feel uncomfortable asking for what they're truly worth. (Source: Intuit)


But here's the focal point: It's not just about the money—it's about the value and transformation your solution delivers.


[PRO TIP] Instead of focusing on the cost, put the spotlight on the life-changing results your clients will experience.


For example, rather than saying, "This course costs $199," try something like, "For a one-time investment of $199, you'll gain the tools and insights to deepen your personal connections, transform how you show up in the marketplace, and positively impact your community.”


See the difference? You're positioning your offer as an investment in their transformation, not just a price tag. 


By reframing your message, you stay transparent while helping your clients see the true value and lasting impact of what your business brings to their table.


The Foundation of Truthful Persuasion? Authentic Empathy

 One of the most powerful tools in your communication toolbox is empathy. 


I once encountered a prospect who resisted everything I said during our discovery call. The human side of me wanted to take this behavior personally. But I realized it wasn't about me.


Instead of pushing harder, I paused and asked a simple question: "What's really on your mind right now?" 


Come to find out, he wasn't resisting my message. He was overwhelmed by a personal challenge and couldn't focus on anything else. 


When we take time to uncover what's really going on behind the hesitation, we build connections and show empathy that leads to trust.


Empathy, combined with authenticity, creates the perfect environment for truthful persuasion


The focus is not on the transaction or selling—it's about transformation and genuine connection. 


[PRO TIP] People don't want perfection; they want real. Your customers and prospects want to know that you understand their struggles, that you care, and that your solution genuinely addresses their needs. 


When you take the time to listen, your audience feels seen, heard, and valued—and that's where genuine connection begins.


Dealing with Imposter Syndrome

 As entrepreneurs, many of us struggle with the nagging voice of imposter syndrome. It whispers, "Who are you to charge for this?" or "People will see right through you. "


[PRO TIP] Negative thoughts are not from your Creator. They are lies that need to be replaced with truth. 


Personally, I've faced this battle many times throughout my career, especially when I first launched my business. 


But when you invite the Holy Spirit into your process and ask for guidance, you begin to realize that it's not about you—it's about the work you've been called to do.


[PRO TIP] To overcome imposter syndrome, use the lie-truth-exchange*

 ✴️ Start by recognizing the source of those negative thoughts

 ✴️ Swap them out with godly promises rooted in truth. 

 ✴️ Write down what God says about you and your work. 

(*My mentor, Shae Bynes, taught me this valuable exercise.)


While you may have to repeat the lie-truth exchange several times—trust me, it will work. But only when you're basing the truth on The Ultimate How-To Guide.


When (not if) doubt starts to creep in, take those thoughts captive and remind yourself that you are operating out of a place of purpose and integrity.


How to Sell Without Feeling ‘Salesy'

 One of the hardest aspects of truthful persuasion is overcoming the pressure to use manipulative tactics to close the sale. 


You've probably seen the classic "limited-time offer" or "buy now or miss out forever" approach. 


While these methods can drive sales, they often leave customers feeling rushed or pressured, which can damage trust in the long run.


[PRO TIP] Instead, focus on creating an open, transparent dialogue about what you offer. Be upfront about both the benefits and limitations of your service. 


For instance, instead of saying, "This product will change your life," try, "This product has helped many people in similar situations, and here's how it might help you too." 


By being realistic and straightforward, you invite people into a relationship built on trust rather than fear or urgency.


What Truthful Persuasion is NOT

 Living in today's smoke-and-mirrors society, you and I can easily slip into deceptive marketing practices without even realizing it. 


But if you want to maintain your integrity, avoiding certain pitfalls is essential. Here are three you'll want to avoid:

🚫 False or Exaggerated Claims: Picture a weight-loss product that promises "dramatic results in one week." Sound too good to be true? That's because it probably is.

[FACT] Overhyping results create false expectations and ultimately damage trust when the product falls short.


🚫 Bait and Switch: Ever seen a deal for a low-cost item, only to discover it's out of stock and you're encouraged to buy a more expensive alternative? This classic bait-and-switch tactic leaves customers feeling duped.

[FACT] This strategy can leave customers feeling manipulated, making them less likely to return or recommend the business to others.


🚫 High-Pressure Sales Tactics pressure someone to decide "right now, or else" might close a deal. However, that strategy will likely leave your customer with buyer's remorse. Instead, please give them the information they need to decide in their own time.

 [FACT] High-pressure sales tactics can often lead to customer dissatisfaction and regret.


The Power of Ethical Storytelling

 Authentic stories have a way of connecting prospects to your business like nothing else. 


For example, one story told about a woman who turned her business around by simply embracing her authenticity. She stopped trying to be perfect and started sharing her journey's real, raw parts. 


As a result, she attracted clients who resonated deeply with her honesty. Her vulnerability made her relatable, and people were drawn to her not just for her services but for who she was as a person.


When done with integrity, storytelling is one of the most effective tools for persuasion.


[PRO TIP] Storytelling allows you to communicate on an emotional level, so you show rather than tell the value of what you offer. 


But remember—stories should be genuine and relatable, not exaggerated or fabricated. That's the heart of ethical storytelling.


Building Trust Through Transparency

 [FACT] Trust is the currency of truthful persuasion. 


You're either building trust or eroding it every time you communicate with your audience. And trust is built on transparency. 


Here are three quick tips you can follow:

✴️ Be open about your solution's strengths, but also acknowledge its limitations. 

✴️ Share testimonials from actual clients, not just influencers or paid actors. 

✴️ If things go wrong, be transparent and own up to it.


For example, I once worked with a company that faced some serious delays with a new product launch. Rather than making excuses, they sent out a heartfelt apology, explaining the situation and offering a timeline for resolving the issue. 


That honesty will build more loyalty than any marketing campaign could accomplish.


Building Connections, Not Sales

Ultimately, truthful persuasion is about serving your audience—not tricking them into buying something whether they need it or not. 


By leading with empathy, embracing authenticity, and focusing on providing real value, you'll find that your business grows not just through sales but through meaningful connections and lasting relationships. 


As you continue to communicate with integrity, your audience will see you as someone they can trust for the long haul.


[CHALLENGE] Leave the hype behind by always creating truthful, transparent, and trustworthy marketing communications


Your audience—and your business—deserve it.


Ready for other tips for creating joyful communications?

Grab a copy of my free, no-strings-attached Joyful Communications Assessment Toolkit to help you evaluate your marketing strategy, content, and copywriting. When you sign up, you'll also receive my Marketing with Integrity email series that will (over time) show you exactly what to do.